, pub-0038581670763948, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 My Typo Humour: 01/10/2013 - 01/11/2013

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


MTH is going global. Or, at least, one of its regular readers and contributors is.

Hopefully we'll see many more oddities in Jon C's new Californian surroundings.

Like this, for example, which he spotted on a Solicitor's door in Palo Alto.

Apologies to US readers.

But it does work well in the UK.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Cash and burn

Thanks to Em J for sending in this photo which he found on Facebook.

A £20 fine, eh?

Well good luck collecting that.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Schoolboy error

I can imagine the look of anticipation and excitement on the face of the member of staff at Copthill School who'd been given responsibility for the school's website when the designer suggested having a load of different scrolling images on the Home Page.

Unfortunately, as Jon C points out, the pictures and the links below them don't always work too well together.

I mean, I know that schools are all for promoting diversity and inclusion.

But Our Parents?

I don't think so.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Socksy pictures

Browsing through the other day, presumably looking for some images to use, Jon C came across this photo of some hand-knitted gift socks.

Only, the translation of the description didn't go quite the way you'd expect.

Now Jon didn't say - and I certainly didn't ask him - for what particular type of image and for which of those specific keywords he was searching. And for what purpose.

We can only hope that socks for Christmas gifts were on his mind.

And nothing else.

Monday, 21 October 2013

S-S-S-Single zed

Portsmouth comes up trumps again with this poster outside a restaurant in Southsea.

I get the triple s to emphasise how the sssteaksss sssound when they're being cooked.

It actually works quite well.

But the poor old z on its own looks lonely and sad.

Not exactly the mood any restaurant would wish to convey.

A good excuse, then, to cheer ourselves up with Noosha and friends.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Sign up

There's nothing quite like a long weekend in Portsmouth for blowing away the cobwebs, enjoying the sea air, walking on Southsea Common,

and spotting paradoxical signs.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Mincing words

We find ourselves back in Jon C's Peterborough where some of the residents are still struggling with the difference between adjectives and verbs.

On a sweltering summer's day, Blacks, the outdoor shop, decided its window display should try to encourage people to explore a different way of life.

So that's why they were all tiptoeing daintily through the trees of Long Causeway.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Jesus freak

Thanks to Dennis A for being the first of many to send this one in.

It appears that none of us is safe from the typo demons; even officials at The Vatican.

This medal, produced by the Italian State Mint to celebrate Pope Francis's papacy, has the word Jesus spelt Lesus.

When you remember that, in Latin script, the word Jesus may be spelt as Iesus, then mistaking a capital I for an L is, I suppose, understandable.

However, considering it's The Vatican's marketing people who are selling the medal, you'd think they'd know not to substitute an L for an I.

Surely they, more than anyone else, would know it should be an I for an I.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Size matters

If you've ever giggled at the mention of Oscar Mayer wieners before, you might like to try these hot-dog frankfurters for size.

Perfect for slipping in between two buttered halves of a warm bun.

Hang on. What length?

Er, that's not what I had in mind.


Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Ploughman's surprise

Put yourself in Angie J's position while shopping in Morrisons the other day.

There she was, in an effort to eat healthily and look after herself, choosing carefully which low fat yogurt flavour she'd like.

When... Bang.

She's offered four pork sausages or four ploughman's rolls for just one pound.

From Ginsters no less. Such a temptation.

Would you have resisted?

Did she?

She's not telling and I'm certainly not asking.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Consent to differ

Photographed in that internationally-renowned seat of learning, Oxford, by Peter.

Clearly showing the sign writer's lack of concentration.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Illegal entry

According to the Public Access to Court Electronic Records website, the following response was filed last week in Case no 2:10-cv-01618-SRB (District of Arizona).

Now I'm no expert in legalese but I'm pretty sure that this wouldn't get on to the Plain English Campaign's list of acceptable legal jargon.

Clearly the person who filed the response was simply thinking about lawyers at the time.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Received wisdom

TalkTalk is another company which has trouble with the word receive.

Funny, really.

You'd think that, as a phone and TV supplier, it would be talking about receivers all the time.

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