Pass the test and you'll get in.
Apparently, only Pushmi-pullyus are allowed., pub-0038581670763948, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Gaffes. Published. Especially by those that should know better.
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Feel free to send in any gaffes or typos you'd like me to share.
And don't forget...
I'm not perfect.
You're not perfect.
It's not at all clear but Greg L is hoping that this is a description of the show's content rather than one of the show itself.
Last week, if you didn't know, was state employee appreciation week in Nevada.
A proclamation by the office of Nevada's Governor, Brian Sandoval, cited some of the work done by state employees including those who 'conserve and preserve our natural and cultural resources'.
Well, that was what it was supposed to say.
Unfortunately, spellcheck was wearing its cheeky hat that day.
Back after a short break in Wales where I spotted this at Ed's in Aberystwyth.
At most US baseball parks, beer sales are discontinued after the seventh inning.
Not so, apparently, at the Colorado Rockies' ground where the beer gets cheaper.
It was interesting to see the use of a new buzzword on the BBC the other day.
Thanks very much to Ann F who spotted this paragraph buried in an article on the Yorkshire Post website about Sainsbury's and Bingley town centre.
Thanks to Clarke V of New Zealand who took this photo of a butcher's shop in Woombye, Queensland, Australia.
It's not just the incorrect plural and unnecessary apostrophe that annoy him.
As a vegan, he says this is just wrong in every way possible.
Can you imagine the scenes in the supermarket that must have prompted the addition of this hand-written postscript?
Looking for a suitable fancy dress, Greg L stumbled across this which ground his gears.
Time to go shopping again at Tesco.
For some garden twine. In Ireland.
Last month, there was a football match between Yeovil Town and Bolton Wanderers.
This is how the tickets were printed.