This cover of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review's Living section was featured in AdWeek.
Well, I guess suit happens., pub-0038581670763948, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Gaffes. Published. Especially by those that should know better.
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This cover of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review's Living section was featured in AdWeek.
Ah, 'Quality' Mats. Welcome back.
The recent bad weather has had a serious effect on West Yorkshire's road system.
The great thing about reading rather than, say, watching TV is that it allows you to use your imagination.
And who better to fire it than Stephen King?
You may have heard about the brouhaha surrounding the proposal by Mid Devon Council to abandon apostrophes in street names from now on 'to avoid potential confusion'.
Yes, I know. Idiots.
Well I don't intend repeating all the arguments here but, while endeavouring to discover more, John H was bemused to see this headline in Saturday's Daily Telegraph.
You can call me picky if you like but, when I was at school, a half meant a half.
But, according to Jack C who spotted this in his local Co-op, that's not true any more.
So, it's not just me.
Jon C has also received one of those unsolicited emails; this one from GreenStones, an accountancy practice.
The aim of this newsletter, it says, is to inspire you and your business to become the best that you can be.
Thanks to Hil J who found this here when trying to advertise on Pamscom's USA site.
I've retrieved another of those unsolicited emails before confining it to eternal spamnation.
My thanks today go to Dennis A who pointed me towards this BBC cock up on GeekZilla.
Many thanks to Angie J who asks whether this is a new name for residents of Chelsea.
Embarrassed officials at Missouri State University (that's Missouri State University) have admitted that the MSU bookstore gave students 6,000 printed canvas book bags all containing a spelling error.
For a University, it's some spelling error.