, pub-0038581670763948, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 My Typo Humour: Velveeta surprise

Friday 1 February 2013

Velveeta surprise

We can no longer buy Velveeta in the UK but, while I was researching the Lance Armstrong post, I came across this article on the Livestrong website.

I believe this picture shows Velveeta being used in a macaroni cheese dish. Or mac and cheese according to the article.

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

However, it appears that Velveeta's rightful place is in your underwear.

The article doesn't make it clear whether its permanent home as a gooey product in your panties is before it's been consumed or after.

Ew. Perhaps that's what the writer means when she says it's time to dump the Velveeta.

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