, pub-0038581670763948, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 My Typo Humour: Ooh, thorny

Friday 22 February 2013

Ooh, thorny

Thanks to Hil J for sending this one through.

It was posted on Twitter by Timothy Barber whose friend photographed it earlier this week in a River Island shop.

River Island

As Timothy tweets: Repellent sexism and incorrect grammar, all in one vile T-shirt package.

But it's for a man, so the thing that really offends him about the T-shirt is its low neckline.

Hopefully its sales will plunge in much the same way.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree, Timothy. With regards to 'repellent sexism' the T-shirt could just as easily say, 'Every dog has its day.'! With regards to the grammar, I'd just love to take a fabric crayon - a crayon made for fabric, that is, not a crayon made of fabric - and correct the obvious mistake. :-)


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