, pub-0038581670763948, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 My Typo Humour: Meghan's Virgina problem

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Meghan's Virgina problem

In the US News and World Report’s 2010 Guide to America’s Best Colleges, Radford University is listed as one of the nation’s 'Top Up-and-Coming Schools'.

In addition, the Princeton Review has included the University on its list of best colleges and universities in the South East four years running.

So Meghan McNeice, a recent Media Studies RU graduate, was disappointed to see that the word Virginia was spelt incorrectly on her degree certificate.

But it wasn't just hers.

According to RU officials, all 1,481 undergraduate and graduate diplomas from late 2012 and early 2013 carried the same error.

And that wasn't the only one.

Chief Communication Officer, Joe Carpenter, said, 'The error was caused when the commercial software system used to produce the diplomas within the university's registrar's office was upgraded in the fall of 2012. That software upgrade required that the diploma narrative be re-keyed into the program. It was during the re-keying process that the typographical errors were introduced into the template.'

How very PR of you, Joe. But the re-keying isn't the issue. The fact that no one read a proof is the important point here.

In a University which runs courses in Communication and Journalism.

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