, pub-0038581670763948, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 My Typo Humour: Welsh threesome exclusive

Friday, 6 September 2013

Welsh threesome exclusive

Sounds like a typical headline from The Sun, doesn't it?

Well, in the same attention-grabbing way, I've lured you into reading more about, well, three Welsh people. And the King of Pop.

Some would say The Sun is a newspaper. I suppose it all depends on your view of what is or isn't news.

It has a twitter account @TheSunNewspaper (thereby proving, I suppose, that at least it thinks of itself as a newspaper) and another @TheSun_Showbiz (sigh). There are probably others but a) I'm not particularly interested in finding out what they are and b) I wouldn't want to promote them; well, not without some massive payment.

Anyway, both accounts have been busy this last week throwing out news, er, facts, er, useful information, er, well, you decide...

First off, @TheSunNewspaper came out with this message on Sunday.

That's Gareth Bale, surely?

Oh well, it's The Sun and it's 'official confirmation' so it must be true. Who knows? Maybe Christian went too. At least the streets of Madrid may be a little safer.

Then, the next day @TheSun_Showbiz led us to believe that not only is Michael Jackson alive and well, but also that he's married (but only just) to Catherine Zeta-Jones.

So what's the exclusive?

I excluded Michael Douglas from the whole post.

Oh heck. Until now.

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