, pub-0038581670763948, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 My Typo Humour: It's a fig thing

Monday, 9 September 2013

It's a fig thing

The football team of the Catholic Notre Dame University in Indiana has a nickname: the Fighting Irish.

Unfortunately, last week's game was partially overshadowed by the fact that the 50oz cups of soda, priced at $8, looked like this.

Notre Dame spokesman Dennis Brown declined to say how the typo occurred or whose fault it was.

'It's an institutional responsibility,' he said. 'We're not going to be blaming individuals.'

Hmm. I wonder if that's what the person responsible was told while he or she was being rollocked to high heaven. Unless, of course, it was a gaffe by Dennis himself.

Anyway, you may well ask whether it's typical Irish stupidity.

Yet they're the ones selling a drink of pop for $8.

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