, pub-0038581670763948, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 My Typo Humour: An L of a typo

Monday, 28 January 2013

An L of a typo

I found this on WebProNews.

The Chicago Public Schools system recently sent an email to parents notifying them that CPS was raising the standards when it comes to the Illinois Standards Achievement Test, or ISAT. The new standards for the ISAT are being implemented by the Illinois State Board of Education, or ISBE.

So far so good.

But an unfortunate error at the end of the message which was suggesting parents visit the ISBE website for more information added an extra letter. So the link ended up as

Oops. It's a 'private invite-only community' with the goal of 'exploring and enriching the modern woman’s sex life and sensuality'.

Of course, CPS apologised.

'As soon as it was brought to our attention, we sent out an updated letter with a corrected link and apologized for any inconvenience it may have caused,' said a spokeswoman.

Unfortunately, she didn't go as far as explaining how the web address could possibly be confused with

Does it mean that the email writer had Autotype turned on which replaced the correct address with one which had been visited on a previous occasion?

Just a thought.

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