, pub-0038581670763948, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 My Typo Humour: No compliments for Vita's proofreaders

Monday, 13 February 2012

No compliments for Vita's proofreaders

A typo on the packaging for a pain-relief product sold as a house brand in many Canadian supermarkets could pose a serious risk to children according to Health Canada.

It warns that the Compliments brand Muscle and Back Pain Relief Regular Strength packs of 18 carry 'a significant labelling error' in the French instructions.

Vita Health Products is recalling all of the packages in five different lots.

The directions for use on the French labelling refer to 'adults and children 2 years and older'. The correct instructions should read 'adults and children 12 years and older'.

Health Canada warns that children under 12 should never be given the pain reliever.

Apparently, the English labelling is correct.

Hmm. Anyone thinking what I'm thinking?

Well, any reference to an evil plan to remove the offspring of certain sections of the Quebec community would be inappropriate to make here so it's probably best not to mention anything.



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